IVF method is a method of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) which are used in that case when infertility curing by the methods of “the first line” (ovulation induction, intrauterus insemination, curing by operation) does not reach any result.
The principal indications for assisted reproductive technologies cycle are the following:
- tubal peritoneal infertility;
- endometriosis;
- polycystic ovary syndrome and other hormonal forms of infertility, where you cannot achieve ovulation (release of the egg) with the help of medication;
- immunological infertility;
- male infertility – decreasing of quality of one or more sperm indicators: the concentration of spermatozoa in 1 ml of semen, reduction in the frequency of motile sperm, increasing number of abnormal sperm forms;
- unexplained infertility.
Here is the list of IVF procedures, which Plusmed Fertility Agency provides
We recommend you to read the following information before IVF program. We also recommend you to read this information once again after the beginning of IVF program. If you will have some questions during the process of curing it would be better to ask your doctor all necessary questions. This information and your doctor will answer all common and individual questions.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a set of procedures aimed at the infertility treatment. During IVF patient’s or donor’s eggs are fertilized by partner’s or donor’s sperm outside the human body in a lab. It can be done by using Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and Physiological Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (PICSI). Embryo is transferred into the uterus via catheter after the embryo culture, which lasts up to 5-6 days (at the stage of blastocyst). The preferable number of embryos to transfer is one which is done in order to avoid multiple pregnancies. However, this question is discussed with IVF specialists.