One of the simplest forms of infertility treatment, the main task of which is to increase the number of sperm that reach the egg and fertilize it independently, is intrauterine insemination (IUI).
It involves transfer of the sperm into the uterine cavity to facilitate fertilization.
Treatment using IUI may be recommended in the following cases:
– infertility of unclear genesis;
– ovulation factor infertility;
– cervical factor infertility;
– female immunological reactions to sperm;
– male subfertility;
We do not recommend the procedure of IUI for patients:
– with chronic inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs;
– with fallopian tubes obstruction;
– with severe endometriosis;
How to prepare?
This procedure requires clear preparation, which includes:
– preparation of a sperm sample
For IUI, we can use your partner’s sperm, which he will provide directly at our medical center, or use frozen sperm or donor sperm.
Then the ejaculate will undergo a special treatment to separate the highly active sperm from the low-quality sperm and to release the sperm from the immature elements, which in turn can cause an allergic reaction.
– observation of ovulation
The timing of IUI plays a major role, so it is very important to monitor for appearance of signs of expected ovulation.
To do this, our doctors can offer you the following methods:
• home method of determining ovulation using test strips;
• folliculometry during transvaginal ultrasound;
• hormonal stimulation, so that your ovulation occurs at a specific time.
– selection of the optimal time for the procedure
Most IUI procedures are performed in a day or two after the onset of ovulation. To do this, our doctor will draw up a scheme that you will clearly follow and comply the recommendations provided to you.
The procedure of intrauterine insemination is quite quick and painless and takes a few minutes. This method involves minimal intervention in a woman’s body and is as close as possible to natural fertilization.
This procedure can be divided into several stages:
The first stage
Appointment with a gynecologist, during which an ultrasound examination will be performed, if necessary – a procedure to determine the patency of the fallopian tubes, and other tests.
The partner needs to do a semen analysis.
The IUI procedure can be performed both during the natural menstrual cycle and with the use of hormonal stimulation.
The second stage
The partner must provide the semen on the day of the IUI procedure (the semen sample is checked and prepared in the laboratory – the best quality cells are selected).
Then the doctor using a soft thin catheter through the cervical canal will insert previously prepared semen into the uterine cavity.
The procedure will take only a few minutes and then you can return to your daily activities.
If necessary, the procedure can be performed under light sedation.
The effectiveness of IUI
Based on the experience of doctors and statistics, the effectiveness of this method depends on many factors such as:
– age of the woman
– sperm quality
– period of non-pregnancy
– results and quantities of previous inseminations
Studying about 1,000 cycles of IUI, the researchers found that the probability of success of a couple (for one or more cycles) depends on their age and the cause of infertility.
The success rates of a couple (for more than one cycle) in this study were:
55.6% – cervical factor infertility
47.4% – ovulatory factor infertility
41.7% – male infertility
37.6% – oligospermia (less than 20 million sperm per ml of semen)
35.1% – infertility of unclear genesis
13.4% – asthenospermia (poor sperm motility)
10.7% – with endometriosis
Plusmed Fertility Agency can offer:
- Consultation and full support of a gynecologist-reproductologist
- Additional consultation of related specialists
- Wide choice of young, healthy and carefully examined donors
- Anonymity
- Donor sperm for unmarried women